“Today, be still.” If the stress of life, of kids, of parents, of work, or of finances is consuming your day and heightening anxious and/or depressed thoughts, being still in meditation is what your mind, body, and soul need. Simply take 5-10 minutes to yourself, either in the bedroom with door locked or out on the patio by yourself, and…
6 Major Ways One Can Avoid Regular Heartburn
It’s safe to say most of us, or all of us, have had heartburn at some time or another. Pizza, hamburgers, oily pasta dishes, hot dogs, and anything fried may be heaven to the taste buds, but they are H-E-double-hockey-sticks on digestion. And with the popular heartburn medication Zantac being recalled in September due to contamination by a carcinogen known…
Chiropractic and Numbness, Tingling, & Arm Pain
Numbness, tingling, and pain shooting down the arm are some of the more common reasons for people to go to a chiropractor. Anyone who has experienced the aforementioned symptoms knows what a challenge it is to do even menial tasks around the house. For example… Lifting a toothbrush up to your mouth becomes agonizing when that sharp pain shoots down…
Read “6 Major Ways One Can Avoid Regular Heartburn” at the Maricopa Monitor!
My latest article for the Maricopa Monitor entitled “6 major ways one can avoid regular heartburn” is live! Enjoy!
Grocery Shopping the Perimeter of the Store
What Jack LaLanne meant was to avoid sugary, high fat foods that may lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and every other serious disease that we in western society need to worry about. The more raw fruits and veggies we eat, the better we will feel. A good rule of thumb is to do the bulk of your grocery shopping…
The Rumor Metaphor & Your Nervous System
I remember a funny phenomena from my childhood that often took place in school. You probably do, too. It was something called a rumor. You know… you tell one person something, and by the time it gets back to you it’s something else. It happened all the time to people I knew and even to myself. Probably happened to you once…
Giving Your Spine a Breather!
For someone getting their first chiropractic adjustment, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a healing process when it comes to the health of your spine. Chances are that the misalignments in your spine have existed for a while, and long term stress and tension on the nerves exiting the spinal column because of ‘said’ misalignments, or what…
The Principle of Time & Your Spine
A relatively common concern people have when going to a chiropractor is that if they go once, they will need to keep going. This is how I look at it… If you want get in amazing physical shape, you don’t do just 1 full body workout, followed by just 1 hour of cardio, followed by just 1 full day of…
Curbing Chronic Pain Without Opioids
The following was a comment I left in response to someone asking for recommendations in dealing with chronic pain without the use of painkillers. Things you can do to curb the pain…. Definitely CBD. Charlotte’s Web is one of the most reputable brands, but there are probably others that someone might know of on this thread. Chronic pain is one…
Health & Vitality Whether They Like It Or Not!
I grew up a very sick kid. Chronic bronchitis, asthma, and horrid allergies to name a few. My mom constantly fed me this asthma medication, and that allergy shot and flu shot, and this steroid, and that inhaler or breathing treatment, and this Robitussin MD and Dimetapp, and the list literally goes on and on and on… It wasn’t until…