No one ever expects to take a deep breath easier than they have in months or years. Nor do people expect to feel lighter when they take a step. Or the crystal clear mental clarity that can occur following an adjustment. Chiropractic is not simply a treatment for low back pain or a therapeutic modality. It is a means of…
The Cramped, Twisted Truth About Traveling
Traveling is brutal on the human body, but especially the spine. Traveling involves a lot of sitting, whether you are driving a long distance, flying, or taking a train. Sitting naturally puts your body into flexion i.e. bent knees, bent hips, slouching low back, hunching shoulders, and a lot of forward head posture. In this day and age of desk…
iHunch aka Forward Head Posture
iHunch is the newest nickname for forward head posture aka iPosture, poking chin posture, wearsie neck, computer neck, text neck, and dowager’s hump. This follows up on the last post where I talked about being in flexion for too long. By flexion I mean sitting, hunched forward, with the shoulders rolled forward, and the head drooped and chin jutting forth.…
The 5 Essential Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System
Everything in our body is controlled by our nervous system. The brain stem is the area of our nervous system that controls all of our vital organ functions; things like our heartbeat, breathing, and immunity to name a few. In fact, brain stem function is what we call the autonomic nervous system, or ANS. How does the ANS know how…
Sublata Causa Tollitur Effectus
You may be wondering what in the world this Latin phrase means. In short, it means “The effect will leave when the cause is removed.” In essence, this could be the motto of chiropractic. In medicine, however, the effect is looked at as the cause. When people get a migraine headache, they are given drugs to reduce the pain, or…
Happy 124th Birthday to the Chiropractic Profession!
In September 1895, Daniel David Palmer, known by most as D.D. Palmer, gave what was considered the first chiropractic adjustment. The 18th of September has generally been accepted as the actual birthday of chiropractic by the profession itself. After the first adjustment, D.D. Palmer coined the term “chiropractic,” from which he combined the Greek words cheir (meaning ‘hand’) and praktos (meaning ‘done’),…
Chiropractic & Osteophytes (aka Bone Spurs)
Osteophytes, otherwise known as bone spurs, are a very common condition, especially as people age. Most people believe that bone spurs are a part of life and that they come with the territory of getting older and things breaking down. But that is not necessarily the case. First off, let’s define what a bone spur is. From Wikipedia: Osteophytes, commonly…
3 Steps to Getting Better Sleep
If you’re an American, chances are you’re not getting enough sleep. And if you’re a parent? Forget about it. Unfortunately, there are also some things we might be doing to make our sleep worse without even realizing it. Watch the video to learn 3 ways you can enjoy a more restful night of sleep.
Much Safer & Far Cheaper
If it’s not a misalignment in your upper cervical spine, it’s a misalignment in your lower cervical spine. If it’s not that, it’s a misaligned 1st rib. This has been the case for my patients 100% of the time in my 10 year career. Since this is a fairly common problem for a chiropractor to see (and help with), does…
More Ease, Less Discomfort
A pet peeve of mine is when patients tell me they saw their family doctor, or orthopedist, or whichever type of doctor they got done seeing, and they were told that they “can never exercise again”… or that they “have to give up the violin”… or that they “have to give up golf”… or that they can’t do whatever it…