In 1927, Ralph W. Stephenson, DC published the Chiropractic Textbook, in which he laid out the 33 principles of chiropractic philosophy. They are as follows: 1. The Major Premise – A Universal Intelligence is in all matter and continually gives to it all its properties and actions, thus maintaining it in existence. 2. The Chiropractic Meaning of Life – The…
Do You Sleep On Your Stomach?
If you do, chances are you wake up in the morning with a stiff and/or painful neck. Think about it this way… Sit in a chair and turn your head to the left or the right. Now, stay in that seated position with your head turned left or right for 5-8 hours without moving. You will probably agree that this…
Treatment Must Go Beyond Lessening Pain, and Find the Root
We have all experienced an achy shoulder at some point in our life. Or numbness and tingling down the arm. If you are active, you might have experienced tendinitis in your elbow. If you sit in front of a computer at work all day everyday, you might be struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome. In early stage pain syndromes, extra strength…
5 Tips to Reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is no fun. It is thought to be caused by eccentric (lengthening) exercise, which causes small-scale damage (microtrauma) to the muscle fibers. Some things you can do that may reduce DOMS are: 1.) Make sure you are eating enough. Diet culture might have you thinking you need to restrict your calories. But if you’re really…
Ignore the Fitness Industry and Diet Culture
Whenever someone talks to me about needing to get back in shape, or simply get into shape for the first time, I give them very simple advice: Do something you enjoy for just 20 minutes at a time, 3 times a week. That’s it. It could be #walking, #swimming, #yoga, #pilates, #strength training, #crossfit, #dancing, #drumming, playing #tag with the…
Read “Treatment must go beyond lessening pain, and find the root” at the Maricopa Monitor
I wrote an article for this week’s edition of the Maricopa Monitor, entitled “Treatment must go beyond lessening pain, and find the root.” Enjoy!
The Truth About the Chiropractic Adjustment
We chiropractors are used to misconceptions. Like the following: “Yeah, but won’t I always need an adjustment after I get adjusted once?” My answer to this misconception? Not only yes, but you will want to! Think about it. If you want to learn how to play the piano, you don’t practice one time and play elaborate concertos the next day.…
Crystal Clear Clarity of Chiropractic
No one ever expects to take a deep breath easier than they have in months or years. Nor do people expect to feel lighter when they take a step. Or the crystal clear mental clarity that can occur following an adjustment. Chiropractic is not simply a treatment for low back pain or a therapeutic modality. It is a means of…
The Cramped, Twisted Truth About Traveling
Traveling is brutal on the human body, but especially the spine. Traveling involves a lot of sitting, whether you are driving a long distance, flying, or taking a train. Sitting naturally puts your body into flexion i.e. bent knees, bent hips, slouching low back, hunching shoulders, and a lot of forward head posture. In this day and age of desk…
iHunch aka Forward Head Posture
iHunch is the newest nickname for forward head posture aka iPosture, poking chin posture, wearsie neck, computer neck, text neck, and dowager’s hump. This follows up on the last post where I talked about being in flexion for too long. By flexion I mean sitting, hunched forward, with the shoulders rolled forward, and the head drooped and chin jutting forth.…