Take one look at the recovery process for people undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. Doctors and nurses have joint replacement patients up and walking the very next day after their surgery! So what’s the best kind of movement to do? Well, it could be anything. Anything that increases your vitality, your heart rate, your mood, etc. Walking, pilates, yoga,…
2 Grocery Shopping Hacks to Make You Break Out into the Carlton Dance!
I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t want to break out into the Carlton Dance when their favorite produce is on sale?! Fruits and veggies are nothing but nourishing for the human body, cost nothing to produce because they grow naturally, and don’t require preservatives and additives. Yet, the unhealthiest junk food with the most ingredients in the stores that only PhD…
No “BACK” Button on the Remote of Life
When we focus on the past, we often succumb to guilt and depression. When we focus on the future, we often succumb to fear and anxiety. How do I know this? Easy. I spent a lot of years with one foot in the past, the other foot in the future, but no feet in the present. What did that leave…
Regarding 40+ Year-Olds’ New Year’s Resolutions
It’s never too late to improve our health by getting in shape. However, the body tends to protest getting in shape the older we become. This has become very apparent to me since turning 40 last year. The legendary Jack LaLanne scoffed at the idea of warming up in the gym, further explaining that you don’t get time to warm…
What Sleep Deprivation Can Look Like
SLEEP is the absolute key to this change. The picture on the left is from early December 2015, late one night at the gym after a very stressful day. Our sixth baby was in the throes of 10 straight months of teething, so January and I weren’t sleeping much at all. Because of this lack of sleep, my mental health…
Celebrating 10 Years as a Chiropractor!
Today is my 10-year anniversary of being a licensed chiropractor. It might come as a total shock to learn this, but the cheesy, balding Mormon dude on the left thought he knew just about everything there was to know about everything that could be known back on December 22, 2009. Interestingly enough, the bearded, tattooed non-Mormon dude on the right…
Not Merely a Misalignment
A misalignment of the C1 or C2 is known in chiropractic as a vertebral subluxation, or simply just a subluxation. What makes a misalignment of C1 and C2 a subluxation and not merely a misalignment is that either vertebra can cause stress and tension on the ligaments inside the spinal canal. Along with pressure on the nerves exiting the spinal…
Chiropractic & the Holiday Season
Life doesn’t pause for any of us during the holidays. Yet, if you just glance at any form of media (print media, social media, big screen, and small screen), you would think that life takes a month-long hiatus from Black Friday to Christmas Day to spend too much money, eat too many Christmas cookies (and food in general), sleep too…
3 Simple Tips to Avoid Sleep Deprivation
Being an American means that there is a good chance you aren’t getting enough sleep. Work, finances, and family matters take up most of our time. Add in the hours we spend each day staring at a laptop, phone, or the 4K Ultra HD TV mounted on the wall of the family room, and it’s fair to say we are…
Outside The Box Exercise
Exercise is important. But it also isn’t regulated to something that can only be done at a gym. Things like walking the dog, gardening, yard work, playing tag with the kids, hiking, Youtube video-guided yoga at home, or naked cardio with your significant other are all free forms of exercise that don’t require a 2-year minimum contract and a credit…