• neck pain

    Where Neck Stiffness & Upper Back Pain Come From

    Neck stiffness and/or upper thoracic (upper back) pain is very common and can be caused by a number of different reasons. Sleeping on a pillow that’s too flat or too fluffy can cause neck stiffness or upper back pain. A car accident, even a minor fender bender, can cause neck stiffness or upper back pain. Spending too much time hunched…

  • chiropractic, subluxation, vertebral subluxation, migraine, aura, tension headache, cluster headache, retinal migraine, ocular migraine, hemiplegic migraine, brandon harshe

    Headaches & Why You Get Them

    Everyone gets headaches at some time or another in their life—some more frequently than others, and some more intensely than others. Headaches are classified as primary or secondary. Examples of primary headaches are tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. There are a lot of moving parts as to how and why primary headaches occur, but no one-size-fits-all reason that fits…

  • chiropractic, chiropractor, upper cervical chiropractic, high blood pressure, hypertension, brain stem ischemia, vertebral subluxation,

    How & Why A Specific Chiropractic Adjustment Can Lower High Blood Pressure

    A 2007 study in the Journal of Human Hypertension proved that a specific chiropractic adjustment of the C1 vertebra (aka Atlas) lowered blood pressure significantly. In the 8-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 25 hypertensive patients received a specific upper cervical chiropractic adjustment via the NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) method and another 25 hypertensive patients received sham adjustments. The NUCCA…

  • chiropractic, chiropractor, brandon harshe, harshe chiropractic, subluxation, vertebral subluxation, innate, innate intelligence, maricopa, cheap, near me, 85139, 85138

    Dr. Gonstead Said it Best!

    Want to know what kind of chiropractor I am? Want to know how I practice chiropractic? Want to know what kind of chiropractor I had already decided I wanted to be before I ever got into chiropractic school? The answer to all those questions is… The kind of chiropractor Dr. Gonstead described above. THIS is the chiropractor I am, this…

  • About That Pain In Your Foot…

    Foot pain is rough. If you stop to think about it, each foot is a complicated mechanical structure, each with 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If even one bone misaligns, it could impact the entire foot. We need our feet, so that is not good news. When there is a misalignment at the…

  • maricopa, chiropractor, chiropractic, cheap, near me, harshe chiropractic, brandon harshe, pinal county, in maricopa, 85139, 85138, subluxation, vertebral subluxation, grocery shopping

    Grocery Shopping the Perimeter of the Store

    What Jack LaLanne meant was to avoid sugary, high fat foods that may lead to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and every other serious disease that we in western society need to worry about. The more raw fruits and veggies we eat, the better we will feel. A good rule of thumb is to do the bulk of your grocery shopping…

  • maricopa, chiropractor, chiropractic, cheap, near me, harshe chiropractic, brandon harshe, pinal county, in maricopa, 85139, 85138

    The Rumor Metaphor & Your Nervous System

    I remember a funny phenomena from my childhood that often took place in school. You probably do, too. It was something called a rumor. You know… you tell one person something, and by the time it gets back to you it’s something else. It happened all the time to people I knew and even to myself. Probably happened to you once…

  • brandon harshe, harshe chiropractic, maricopa, az, arizona, 85139, 85138, chiropractor

    Sublata Causa Tollitur Effectus

    You may be wondering what in the world this Latin phrase means. In short, it means “The effect will leave when the cause is removed.” In essence, this could be the motto of chiropractic. In medicine, however, the effect is looked at as the cause. When people get a migraine headache, they are given drugs to reduce the pain, or…

  • osteophytes, bone spurs, hyperlordosis, kyphosis, reverse curve, maricopa, az, chiropractor, chiropractic, brandon harshe

    Chiropractic & Osteophytes (aka Bone Spurs)

    Osteophytes, otherwise known as bone spurs, are a very common condition, especially as people age. Most people believe that bone spurs are a part of life and that they come with the territory of getting older and things breaking down. But that is not necessarily the case. First off, let’s define what a bone spur is. From Wikipedia: Osteophytes, commonly…