Blackburns are a great way of reversing hunched posture, rounded shoulders, drooping head, and weak muscles in the front of the torso associated with too much sitting, staring at a computer screen, and/or hours of scrolling on the phone. First, lay prone (on your belly) on the floor. Next, you will do a progression of 6 “holds” as follows: 1.…
Will I Have to Get Adjusted the Rest of My Life?
Not only yes, but you will want to! Think about it. If you want to learn how to play the piano, you don’t practice one time and play elaborate concertos the next day. Even concert pianists practice hours daily. If you want to get stronger in the gym, you don’t lift weights one time and deadlift 400 lbs the next…
Spinal Misalignments & Bone Spurs
To learn how and why bone spurs may form in the spine, watch this short video.
Poor Posture & Pain
In this video I explain briefly why posture has so much such bearing on how you feel.
The Straw that Literally Broke the Camel’s Back
Ever wonder why someone will throw out their back reaching for a pencil, or their neck locks up when they sneeze? Because of something called “microtraumas.” Microtraumas are the little seemingly insignificant stressors our body goes through over the years that we don’t think about or pay attention to, but they wear down our body just a little tiny bit…
The Importance of Curves in the Spine
The spine has curves that are essential to good health and posture. This video explains the importance of spinal curves.
DIY Method to Prevent an Anterior Pelvic Misalignment
Sudden, sharp low back pain on one side can be caused by one side of your pelvis rocking forward. It is a very painful misalignment, and one I’ve experienced personally several times. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is the first thing to do to correct this problem. The second thing to do, I wasn’t so sure about initially. I researched stretches…
5 Ways to Balance Your Mind, Body, & Soul During Social Distancing
If you’re like me, the buzz words coronavirus, pandemic, social distancing, quarantine, lockdown, and toilet paper have become very tiresome words indeed. So, I won’t go into any detail over them. I will, however, talk about some things we can all do to restore some balance to the mind, body, and soul during this unusual time period. 1.) Read. And…
A Strong Suboccipital Triangle (SOT) = Less Tension Headaches
One of the primary causes of headaches is the constant stretching (weakening) of a network of muscles at the top of either side of your neck and occiput (base of your skull) called the suboccipital triangle, or SOT. These muscles contain the highest percentage of mechanoreceptors (receptors that sense mechanical sensation and pressure) of any region in your entire body.…
Don’t Let YOU Down!
When a patient steps into my office, that chiropractic adjustment doesn’t end until that patient is noticeably better and I have done all I can to balance the spine by removing a vertebral subluxation (misalignment of the C1 and/or C2 vertebra). Restoring proper balance to the spine, which removes pressure from the nerves and allows the body’s innate intelligence to…