• maricopa, az, arizona, 85139, 85138, harshe chiropractic, brandon harshe, chiropractic, chiropractor, innate intelligence

    Don’t Let YOU Down!

    When a patient steps into my office, that chiropractic adjustment doesn’t end until that patient is noticeably better and I have done all I can to balance the spine by removing a vertebral subluxation (misalignment of the C1 and/or C2 vertebra). Restoring proper balance to the spine, which removes pressure from the nerves and allows the body’s innate intelligence to…

  • neck pain

    Where Neck Stiffness & Upper Back Pain Come From

    Neck stiffness and/or upper thoracic (upper back) pain is very common and can be caused by a number of different reasons. Sleeping on a pillow that’s too flat or too fluffy can cause neck stiffness or upper back pain. A car accident, even a minor fender bender, can cause neck stiffness or upper back pain. Spending too much time hunched…

  • frozen shoulder, shoulder pain, shoulder rehab, shoulder exercise, ywtl, chiropractic, chiropractor, maricopa, az, 85139, 85138, brandon harshe

    YWTL for Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems I see in my office. In my experience, if arthritis, ligament/tendon damage, and a torn rotator cuff is ruled out, shoulder pain is always a result of a misaligned C1, C2, and/or 1st rib. But can anything be done about it before, and until, you see a chiropractor? Actually, yes. A…

  • chiropractic, chiropractor, cervical spine, cervical lordosis, cervical kyphosis, arthritis, forward head posture, ihunch, slouching, posture

    DIY Gentle Cervical Home Rehab

    If you’ve followed me on social media for a little while, you know that I talk about reversing the amount of flexion our bodies undertake on a daily basis, i.e. sitting hunched in front of a computer or staring down at the phone for long periods of time. I won’t get into ergonomics like I have in the past, but…

  • chiropractic, subluxation, vertebral subluxation, migraine, aura, tension headache, cluster headache, retinal migraine, ocular migraine, hemiplegic migraine, brandon harshe

    Headaches & Why You Get Them

    Everyone gets headaches at some time or another in their life—some more frequently than others, and some more intensely than others. Headaches are classified as primary or secondary. Examples of primary headaches are tension headaches, migraines, and cluster headaches. There are a lot of moving parts as to how and why primary headaches occur, but no one-size-fits-all reason that fits…

  • chiropractic, chiropractor, upper cervical chiropractic, high blood pressure, hypertension, brain stem ischemia, vertebral subluxation,

    How & Why A Specific Chiropractic Adjustment Can Lower High Blood Pressure

    A 2007 study in the Journal of Human Hypertension proved that a specific chiropractic adjustment of the C1 vertebra (aka Atlas) lowered blood pressure significantly. In the 8-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 25 hypertensive patients received a specific upper cervical chiropractic adjustment via the NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) method and another 25 hypertensive patients received sham adjustments. The NUCCA…

  • maricopa, chiropractor, chiropractic, cheap, near me, harshe chiropractic, brandon harshe, pinal county, in maricopa, 85139, 85138

    Movement is Life

    Take one look at the recovery process for people undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery. Doctors and nurses have joint replacement patients up and walking the very next day after their surgery! So what’s the best kind of movement to do? Well, it could be anything. Anything that increases your vitality, your heart rate, your mood, etc. Walking, pilates, yoga,…

  • sleep, sleep hygiene, sleep health, sleep deprivation, maricopa, az, harshe chiropractic, brandon harshe

    What Sleep Deprivation Can Look Like

    SLEEP is the absolute key to this change. The picture on the left is from early December 2015, late one night at the gym after a very stressful day. Our sixth baby was in the throes of 10 straight months of teething, so January and I weren’t sleeping much at all. Because of this lack of sleep, my mental health…