Temporomandibular joint disorder, more commonly known as TMJ disorder or TMJ dysfunction, is a dysfunction of the jaw, characterized by pain or tenderness of the jaw, and pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints, sometimes radiating to the ear. It can be accompanied by clicking, occasional or frequent loud popping, and can even lock up at times, making…
Foot Pain, Ankle Pain, & Chiropractic
We have all experienced pain in our foot or ankle at some point or another, whether it’s plantar fasciitis or a sprained ankle, etc. But did you know you can get your feet and ankles adjusted? It’s true! I adjust a lot of feet and ankles on a daily basis. If you stop to think about it, each foot is…
Some Thoughts on the Power of Meditation
Meditation is a huge part of my life. I have overcome a number of mental, emotional, physical, and financial challenges through the power of meditation. It’s a way for me to calm down the noise of the world, to be no body, no thing, nowhere, in no time and in no place, except for in my mind where I can…
The 1 Thing You Should Not Do First Thing in the Morning
We all have stress. Parental stress, marital stress, financial stress, career stress, tax stress, stress over the state of the world, etc. It can really weight us down if we’re not careful. I’m a big proponent of using meditation to aid us in managing our stress more effectively. But there’s one thing we can all do every single morning that…
Corrected Body Imbalance After Chiropractic Adjustment
Ever wonder why someone will throw out their back reaching for a pencil, or their neck locks up when they sneeze? Because of something called “microtraumas.” Microtraumas are the little seemingly insignificant stressors our body goes through over the years that we don’t think about or pay attention to, but they wear down our body just a little tiny bit…
Why a Misaligned Rib Can Steal Your Breath Away
I adjust a lot of ribs every single day. The symptoms that result from a misaligned rib can be shortness of breath, sharp muscle spasms, intense dull muscle aches, and overall misery. Many patients have described the feeling of having a heart attack when their rib(s) misalign on the left side of their chest. They each realize they don’t have…
Why Your Head Is Spinning From Vertigo
Vertigo ranges from somewhat common to very common, with the National Institute of Health estimating 20% to 56% of the population experiencing vertigo each year. Vertigo is a sensation of spinning dizziness, the kind that feels as if the room and/or your surroundings are swirling around you. It is common in the elderly and in pregnant people. It is common…
Why Sciatica is Such a Pain in the Butt
Sciatica is one of the most debilitating conditions anyone can experience. It can also be one of the more complicated conditions anyone can experience because of the extreme pain involved. What is sciatica? Sciatica most often arises from a pinched nerve in the lower lumbar spine, or the low back. This is significant because the sciatic nerve is formed by the…
How Chiropractic Helps Throughout Pregnancy & Childbirth
Morning sickness. Vomiting. Nausea. Back pain. Pelvic pain. Shortness of breath. Hormones gone wild. High blood pressure. Swollen ankles. These symptoms are seen as normal during pregnancy, something you better get used to for the next 38-42 weeks. You wanted a baby, now deal with it. Right? Wrong. Sure these examples are common among pregnant people, but the intensity, or…
Behind the Scenes of Bad Posture
Most people have had a parent, usually their mother, tell them to stand up straight or to sit up straight. That’s all well and good, and you probably did as you were told—until you became distracted by someone or something else. Then, that good posture you were voluntarily maintaining involuntarily returned to a slouching, slumping, tilted, twisted manner. And then you were…