In the spirit of being transparent, I’m posting my first round loss at this year’s AZBJJ state championship on June 24th. After rewatching this match, it’s painful to see all the missed opportunities I had and mistakes I made, but that’s how you learn and improve in Jiu Jitsu! The last few seconds of the match got cut off, but…
Slow Down and Pace Yourself
Sometimes what’s needed most in our busy world is to slow down and do less, not speed up and do more.
My First Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Competition!
This past Saturday, March 18 was my first Jiu Jitsu competition and it was a lot of fun! It was the Winter Compnet competition at Desert Ridge High School in East Mesa. Despite being 44 years old, I competed in the regular adult division because I wanted to see where I stood. It was about what I expected. My first…
Your Tilted, Twisted Pelvis and the Low Back Pain it Causes
Everyone who comes into my office for low back pain has a tilted, twisted pelvis. In fact, just about anyone who goes into any chiropractic office for low back pain has a tilted, twisted pelvis The pelvis works as one giant mechanism, consisting of two pelvic bones and the sacrum. Each pelvic bone is actually three smaller bones fused together:…
Your Elbow and Numbness & Tingling in Your Hand & Fingers
Numbness and tingling down one or both of the arms is a pretty common symptom in a chiropractic office, and can often be correct by an adjustment to one or more vertebrae in the lower part of the cervical spine (neck), sometimes even a misaligned first rib. Further down the arm—like the forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers for example—and numbness…
Regarding TMJ Disorder or TMJ Dysfunction
Temporomandibular joint disorder, more commonly known as TMJ disorder or TMJ dysfunction, is a dysfunction of the jaw, characterized by pain or tenderness of the jaw, and pain in one or both of the temporomandibular joints, sometimes radiating to the ear. It can be accompanied by clicking, occasional or frequent loud popping, and can even lock up at times, making…
Foot Pain, Ankle Pain, & Chiropractic
We have all experienced pain in our foot or ankle at some point or another, whether it’s plantar fasciitis or a sprained ankle, etc. But did you know you can get your feet and ankles adjusted? It’s true! I adjust a lot of feet and ankles on a daily basis. If you stop to think about it, each foot is…
Some Thoughts on the Power of Meditation
Meditation is a huge part of my life. I have overcome a number of mental, emotional, physical, and financial challenges through the power of meditation. It’s a way for me to calm down the noise of the world, to be no body, no thing, nowhere, in no time and in no place, except for in my mind where I can…
The 1 Thing You Should Not Do First Thing in the Morning
We all have stress. Parental stress, marital stress, financial stress, career stress, tax stress, stress over the state of the world, etc. It can really weight us down if we’re not careful. I’m a big proponent of using meditation to aid us in managing our stress more effectively. But there’s one thing we can all do every single morning that…
Corrected Body Imbalance After Chiropractic Adjustment
Ever wonder why someone will throw out their back reaching for a pencil, or their neck locks up when they sneeze? Because of something called “microtraumas.” Microtraumas are the little seemingly insignificant stressors our body goes through over the years that we don’t think about or pay attention to, but they wear down our body just a little tiny bit…